Saturday, January 31, 2009

US Postal Delivery Cut Backs

Did you hear the US. Postmaster the other day say to Congress that the may be shutting down Postal Delivery to 5 days to cut cost. He went on to say that
last years deficit of nearly 3 Billion Dollars could double this year. Well companies and consumers should not despair. The Courier companies here in America would love to help the postal service. And we could save them money.
By contracting they could save on vehicle maintenance and salary cost. Not to mention insurance. And many of those companies are 24/7. Wow can you imagine same day delivery.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

If NASA can do it why not US Automakers

Now I know that the mars rover are not auto mobiles. They don't carry people or packages. But they, the 2 mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity were built tough. They have survived for 5 years on mars running only on the sun with absolutely no maintenance. They have a great team of drivers. They don't have to worry about traffic jams or martian road rage. They just keep going and going. Yes they could be faster and have a sexy modern profile. Preferably a cargo hold and comfortable seats for long road trips and delivery's. Come on Detroit get with it!