Friday, June 22, 2018

Trump Caves on Family Separation at the Border

If you’ve been following this issue you know that Trump created this separation policy and then today bowed to pressure and caved on separating families at the border. He said that he didn’t like the sight of families being separated which really means he didn’t like the optics. Trump has no heart, remember he said yesterday that immigrants are “infesting” the US. You don’t change your views overnight.
The temporary executive order signed by Trump keeps the zero-tolerance policy in force. If an immigrant tries to enter the border at the authorized ports of entry they are being delayed and told to come back later. If they try to enter at other locations then they are accused of entering unlawfully and arrested. The executive order will temporarily keep families together while their case is being decided.
So what happens to the children that have already been separated? About 2500 children have already been dispersed throughout the country, so what happens to them? There is no organized way to reunite these children back to their families. Trump’s executive order did not address this issue.
A video released today shows about six immigrant girls ages 7-9 being led into a shelter around midnight in New York City. The mayor of NY confirmed that there are 239 immigrant girls in NY shelters.
An American Airlines employee said that immigrant children were transported under the guise of a soccer team from Texas to other cities in the country. American Airlines released a statement asking the Trump administration not to use their flights to carry migrant children who have been separated from their parents. United Airlines also stated that they have no desire to be associated with separating families.
The best statement that I heard today from the media was Rep. Linda Sanchez (D) from California regarding Trump's executive order today. She said that “Trump is like an arsonist who starts the fire and then volunteers to put it out so he can be the hero to save the day”.
Trump calls out the news that he doesn’t like as fake news. Well, we have a fake president and every day we’re all living in this reality show.
Vote Blue in November so we can rid ourselves of this fake president and end this reality show.
Carol T. Ealey

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